US ‘Absentee Voting Week’ on Sept 27-Oct 4



The ‘Absentee Voting Week’ in the United States will be held  on September 27-October 4 this year.

​In some U.S. states, voter registration and ballot request deadlines for the November 2020 elections are as early as October 5th, said a press release issued for the US citizens by the US Embassy in Dhaka on Thursday.  ​

The release said, “Whether you are a first-time U.S. voter or have already received ballots and voted absentee in past elections, U.S. Embassy Dhaka recommends you complete a ​Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) ​​each​​year​ to ensure you are able to participate in elections as an overseas absentee voter. If you have already completed a ​Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)​ in 2020 and requested electronic delivery of your ballot, you will be receiving your blank ballot or instructions for how to access your ballot soon, if you have not already received it.  If you requested your ballot but haven’t received it, or if you are not sure about the status of your absentee ballot, ​contact your local election office​ as soon as possible​. You can get voting assistance from the U.S. Embassy, Dhaka.”

“Some states allow you to return your completed ballot electronically and others do not.  If your state requires you return your ballot by mail, you can use the drop box located at the Madani Avenue entry gate in the booth for the guards.  Ballots can be dropped off only during working hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Sunday through Thursday except for Embassy-observed holidays).

Transit time may take up to four weeks for mail to reach its destination if sent via the Embassy.”

If you have never voted while overseas before, it’s not too late. The process is easy – just follow these steps

:1.Complete a ​Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)
Whether you are a first-time voter or have voted absentee in past elections, we recommend that you complete an ​FPCA​ to receive your ballot this fall.  It allows you to register to vote andrequest absentee ballots for all elections for federal offices (presidential and state primaries,run-off, special, and the November general elections) during the course of the year in which you submit the FPCA.  Local election officials in all U.S. states and territories accept the ​FPCA​.The ​online voting assistant​ available at ​​ is an easy way to complete the ​FPCA​.  It will ask you questions specific to your state and tell you if electronic ballot delivery is possible.  Nomatter which state you vote in, ​we encourage you to ask your local election officials to deliver your blank ballots to you electronically ​(by email, internet download, or fax, depending onyour state).  Be sure to include your email address to take advantage of electronicdelivery.​​The ​online voting assistant​ will generate a printable ​FPCA​, which you can then printand sign.

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