Should you add jojoba oil to your beauty routine? Here’s an insight on the same



Beauty oils are the next best thing when it comes to hydrating your skin and hair. Not only do they help retain the water in the skin but also keep the skin and the hair moisturized and hydrated. But out of the massive lot of oils that are extracted and sold, which one should you invest in? Which of them would give you the desired results? It completely depends on what you seek from these oils. However, if it is proper hydration and smoothening of your skin and hair, we recommend that you go for jojoba oil. You have probably heard of it as one of the essentials or rather the main ingredient in various products such as face wash, makeup remover, hair shine enhancer, foot softener, lip balm, moisturizer, and more. But what is it exactly and how does it help? Scroll below to know more.

What is jojoba oil? 

You have probably heard of the famous jojoba or how Inspector Clouseau of The Pink Panther would say “hohoba” song as he applies the shampoo on Ponton’s hair. But did you ever wonder what it could be and what a gift its presence would be on your skin and hair? Jojoba oil is basically produced from the seeds of Simmondsia Chinensis or the jojoba plant. It appears to be oil but it is actually wax that has been extracted from the seeds. Along with its long shelf-life abilities and resistance to high temperatures, jojoba oil comes with tremendous benefits for the face, skin and hair.

Jojoba oil benefits

You will find them in various body lotions, shampoos, conditioners, face moisturizers and more. Further, it is also used on nail cuticles. The high nutritional value of jojoba oil helps replenish the lost water from the skin and hair. It further enables the texture of the skin and hair to turn smoother, supple and more lively. How is it beneficial to your skin and hair though? Scroll below to know more.

What are its benefits on your face and body? 

Jojoba oil is known to be one of the best when it comes to using it on the skin. The oil has fantastic hydrating properties that help retain water on the surface of the skin and make the skin glow. With its slew of nutrients, minerals and vitamins, it works as a great component to energise the skin and enable thorough hydration.


Moisturizes dry skin 

One of the biggest perks of jojoba oil is the way it works on our skin. According to Dr. Durkin’s quote to Good Housekeeping, he says, “The reason jojoba oil is such a potent moisturizer is due to its ability to act just like our skin’s natural oils.” Thanks to this ability, it manages to balance the body’s oil and tricks the skin into thinking that enough oil has been produced. Your skin feels hydrated and shows promise of being clearer and happier.

Smoothens rough cuticles 

Want smooth hands and soft cuticles? With just a dab of jojoba oil, you can actually get those lovely fingers and hands that you’ve always dreamt of. You just need to apply a very small amount of the oil to each cuticle and massage it well. In case you end up pouring excess oil, use it to massage the back of your hands and palms for hydrated and happy hands.

Has antibacterial properties

Have you been fighting off acne for far too long? Well, with jojoba oil’s antibacterial properties, you will actually notice how it is helping prevent the bacteria growth. The high amount of iodine in the oil fights bacterial growth that further prevents breakouts. All you have got to do is apply a dime-sized amount to the acne-prone areas of the face in the morning as well as at night. You can make it a spot treatment and eventually use it evenly on the face for a better glow.

Brings about a glow 

You can kiss goodbye to dullness in your face by applying jojoba oil regularly. The oil enables hydration to the skin which brings forth a glow and gets rid of dullness. All you need to do is apply five drops of it to your face in the morning and night right after cleansing. You do not need to rinse it off as the skin would absorb it almost instantly. You will see a massive difference in your face and you’ll thank us for this tip!

Fades fine lines and wrinkles 

Jojoba oil’s vitamin B complex content helps combat radicals and work on repairing the cell damages. Meanwhile, vitamin E of the oil helps pace the regeneration process. This helps in forming quite a potent component in anti-aging agents. Not only would your skin witness a new glow but you would also have hydrated skin which is void of all the dryness or dullness. Many anti-aging products have resorted to adding jojoba oil in their products to help enhance the cell regeneration and to bring forth a younger-looking skin.

What are its benefits on your hair? 

Whether it has been added to conditioners or used in its purest forms, jojoba oil is ideal when it comes to dealing with hair dryness, split ends, breakage and other damages. It is the perfect product that you can apply on your hair to hydrate it and prevent frizz to a certain extent. Here are some of its benefits on the hair.

Jojoba oil benefits

Moisturizes hair

With the properties of fatty acids and other essential vitamins and nutrients, jojoba oil becomes a great product that can be used to help the hair from further damage. Jojoba oil is a great moisturizer that also works well on the hair. It penetrates through the strands and helps nourish the hair. Further, it also has some great properties that help repair the hair from any damage or breakage that it has sustained in a long time.

Avoids split ends 

One of the biggest concerns for people who wish to grow their hair is the split ends that come along with it. Often damaged hair results in a lot of breakages and split ends. Jojoba oil actually works as a great moisturiser to help the hair heal from all its damage. A hair mask can be used overnight to work on the hair. Perhaps you can also use conditioners that have jojoba oil. Much like how the oil works on the face, it has healing properties that work tremendously well on the hair too.

Promotes hair growth 

The high concentration of B and E vitamins and minerals in jojoba oil help promote the hair thickness and facilitate growth. Further, the presence of zinc and copper which brings about texture and adds to the hair growth process. Jojoba oil helps to make the strands healthy and less likely to break and damage. You can see the difference in your hair as you start using the essential oil on your hair.

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