Holy Ashura today


GB news 24 desk//

The holy Ashura, commemorating the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hossain Ibn Ali (RA), a grandson of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), is being observed across the country today with due religious solemnity.

Today is the 10th day of the month of Muharram in the Arabic calendar. Muslims across the world recall the sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hossain (RA) along with his 72 followers, who embraced martyrdom in 680 AD for establishing truth and justice in the fight with soldiers of Yazid on Karbala Maidan in Iraq.

President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages on the eve of the holy Ashura, paying deep respects to Hazrat Imam Hossain (RA) and other martyrs of Karbala.

In his message, the President said the supreme sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hossain (RA) and his companions in Karbala for upholding the ideals of Islam, the religion of peace and tranquility, is remaining as a glorious event in the history.

He said the eternal message of Ashura inspires us to be vocal against any injustice and repression and walk on the path of truth and justice.

“Islam is religion of peace and harmony. Here there is no room for confrontation, jealousy and envy,” President Hamid mentioned.

The teaching of Ashura would be a part of inspiration of all people, irrespective religion and caste, to stay away from all sorts of unpropitious acts including superstition, fundamentalism and militancy.

The Prime Minister, in her message, urged all to be imbued with the teachings of holy Ashura to establish truth and justice in all spheres to combat all kinds of injustice in the national life.

She said the sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hossain (RA) and his companions to establish peace and justice in society is a glaring and emulating example for the Muslim Ummah across the world.

Different political, socio-cultural and religious organizations have chalked out various programmes to observe the day in a befitting manner.

The programmes include procession, Quran-Khwani, Milad Mahfil, fasting, special prayer and feeding of the destitute.

The day is a public holiday.

Bangladesh Betar, Bangladesh Television and private TV channels will air special programmes while newspapers and online news portal publish supplements highlighting the significance of the day.

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